Love, Sex. Finance Connection

Here’s what I know to be true … love, sex and finance are at crisis point in our current society … everyone blaming everyone else for ‘cause and effects’, sadly very few are actually addressing their own cause/effect.

These are my observations from personal experience, experiences from friends, family and clients as well as through my ongoing formal studies. Although these are my own observations, whenever I discuss with others, there is an overwhelming agreement.

The sooner each one of us takes responsibility/control of our own cause/effect, the better society will become overall.

Relationships are the backbone of our culture …. Everything is built around Relationships, personal and professional. If our personal relationships are a mess, we will never fully reach our potential professionally and vice-versa. (Think and Grow Rich Ch 11, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation).

When one is not going well, this always leads to illness of some description; stress, mental fatigue, addictions etc are prevalent in our society. Unless addressed fairly swiftly, we spiral into seriously damaging consequences.

In our personal relationships, sex is THE most important issue, not to be underestimated, brushed aside, neglected. Without a healthy sex life and deep intimacy with our loved one, we either suppress it or we seek it elsewhere … neither will serve us long-term. One way or another, having buried our heads in the sand for so long, we literally explode and that is never pretty and does not produce true happiness. Happiness wilts and shrivels like week-old cut flowers in a vase.

This results in failed marriages/partnerships, love dies or is not reciprocated the way we need, another year passes without the sex/intimacy we desire, leaving us feeling rejected, unfulfilled, undesired, sad. We may put on a brave face or try to find happiness in our hobbies or with our friends, but ultimately, the person we are fooling the most, is ourselves. Things won’t improve until we’re prepared to take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror, give ourselves a talking to and take action to seek/receive assistance to address the issues we are suppressing.

As with most of life today, we desire a “quick fix” without actually addressing the true cause of our troubles. Imagine, if you will, building our dream house and furnishing it the way we want, with no foundations. What do you suppose happens in a storm or bad weather? With that in mind, why would you seek a quick fix from someone who teaches techniques that are surface (short-term) rather than foundation (long-term) for your relationships. There are no secrets/steps/formulas/keys, taught by so many, that will miraculously give you the relationship you seek. Most of these are ‘one-size-fits-all’ or scripts or manipulation techniques, that may work once or twice, but will never bring long-lasting love with your ideal partner. You will be left feeling even more confused and disillusioned than ever!

I don’t merely believe in Real, Authentic Love with Vulnerable Intimacy, I live it and until his death recently, experienced this with someone very special on a profoundly deep level.

I combine traditional Psychology with unconventional deep self explorations, bringing forth our deepest, truest, most vulnerable, authentic self possible, where healing and clarity exists. We discover exactly what Pleasure, Love, Sex, Romance, Intimacy means to you; your core essence and why that is too important to ignore; what type of relationship are you desiring; what life are you truly wanting; can you have that within your current relationship, is your partner willing to actively evolve with you or does this mark the end of it in order for you to be honest and true to yourself.

Sometimes you can be more use to someone apart than with them, it does not mean you don’t love them, more that you respect yourself and them, to give you both your best chance in life, rising to be your best selves.

A week ago, one of my regular clients had a major “Ahha” moment in one of our sessions, realising that their shift in energy/activity would not only benefit themselves but also partner and children. This was a powerful realisation and recognition of a deep wound carried since childhood. It had become a belief system now redundant allowing healing to take place.

Another began to feel much “calmer, lighter and more confident to express who they truly are” after one of our sessions. This resulted in their friends and family commenting on this, wondering what they had altered or done for it to be seen so clearly.

My clients and I are choosing a different path where open, raw communication is key, leading to Improved Relationships, Deeper Connections and the Desired Intimacy we so crave. We choose Clarity over Confusion, Pleasure over Pain.

Which would you choose? Are you willing to step up for what you need to feel ALIVE, having the VITALITY to create and be VALUED in this world?

I am committed to creating the best types of deeply rewarding Relationships, where real, passionate, authentic love, sex and romance are the norm in the world, that’s why I choose to Guide and Mentor 1-2-1 rather than groups, making each session or series of sessions bespoke to you, led by you and your wants, needs, desires. Putting yourself first is the most unselfish thing you can do for yourself and all around you! We can prove it. Your personal and professional life will benefit tremendously!

Ask me how as I love showing you!

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