WELCOME to my doTERRA Essential Oils Page

I am a Wellness Advocate & Certified AromaTouch Massage Practitioner 




Naturally occurring volatile aromatic compounds, found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants.  The oils protect plants against environmental threats and provide beneficial properties.  They are highly concentrated when distilled for purity, potency and efficacy.  Oils have been used historically for food preparation, beauty treatment and health care practices, beautifully and powerfully fragrant.



doTERRA Essential Oils are pure natural aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants. They do not contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities and are free of contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues.  Sourced from a global network of growers to ensure the most pure and efficacious essential oils, they are rigorously tested for standards of purity and potency.


doTERRA is a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the Earth”

I began using doTERRA Essential Oils in the Summer of 2015, after sustaining a sports injury and a dear friend offered to send me a sample of Deep Blue soothing blend.  As I love natural products, I accepted and was actually astounded at the effectiveness of the oil.  I wanted to know more, have more and learn more about these amazing oils for myself and family.  As I began to use the oils, see and feel the benefits, I began to recommend them to my family and anyone I met who had an ailment or who commented on the lovely smell they caught from me!

Under my new company, House of Feminine, I've totally fallen in love with these divine Essential Oils.  Now my clients and students benefit from them too at our Workshops and Retreats, becoming fans either as a customer and/or building a secondary business. A Divinely Beautiful way to assist in ones health alongside western medicine.  More recently I trained in AromaTouch Technique Massage, doTERRA's own Certified Massage Training, and am enjoying giving and receiving from this beautiful feather-light touch massage. NB:  I am not giving massages until further notice.


Gentle AromaTouch Massage for Women

A beautiful relaxing, light-touch massage with divine Essential Oils applied along the energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance the nervous systems of the body.

NB:  I no longer offer this treatment.



There are many reasons why doTERRA appealed to me, their Mission, Ethos and Healing Hands Foundation spoke volumes for me personally.

Having the highest quality therapeutic grade essential oil products from a network of highly educated and experienced botanists, chemists, health scientists and health-care professionals is essential for me, due to my scientific background.  Partnering with hospitals, doctors, scientists and opinion leaders who provide the most compelling authentication of essential oils affords me the peace of mind when discussing with and recommending to others.  Their whole process of stringent testing aligns with my own values and what I expect from a quality product.  All of my house and personal care products are as natural and high-grade as possible, especially as I am allergic to chemicals.

This is what doTERRA does and why it works for me:
Co-Impact Sourcing cultivates partnerships with artisans, small scale growers and distilleries
Organises growers into cooperatives, creating jobs and improving income
Establishes stable pricing with a trustworthy, long-term buyer
Empowers growers, families and communities in impoverished nations.

Their humanitarian values also align completely with my own, in their non-profit organisation designed to empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant speaks volumes about the company.  I am particularly pleased to see Operation Underground Railroad on their Corporate Partner list, as my own business charity is Abolishing Human Trafficking.  For more information, doterrahealinghands.org



Providing health-conscious individuals with safe, natural complementary healthcare, Essential Oils are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications.  They can be used singly or in complex blends depending on user experience and desired benefit.  Usually administered by one of three methods: diffused aromatically, applied topically or taken internally as dietary supplements, both profoundly simple and life-changing at the same time.   Oils have few, if any undesirable side effects when used as directed.  One drop is all that is needed to achieve a powerful benefit.

NB:  Working with an established Essential Oil user will help first-time users to have a more beneficial  and enjoyable experience.



Using Essential Oils is intuitively simple and highly satisfying.  However, the many oils available with their numberless combinations and wellness applications can be a bit overwhelming to beginners.  For your first steps with essential oils, we recommend a trio of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint - three of our most popular oils.  They will provide you and your family a compelling experience with the life-enhancing properties of therapeutic-grade essential oils.


OILS FOR ALL THE FAMILY (I've got an oil for that!)

With our extensive range of both Single Oils and Blended Oils, we have you covered for every eventuality and area of your life!  Buying oils to suit you and your family is made easy with an explanation of what the oil is used for and how it can be used.  That said, we have also made life a little easier by selecting oils in Kits such as our ever-popular Family Physician Kit.  Emotional Aromatherapy System, Touch Oil Blends, AromaTouch Technique Kit as well as an Athletes Kit for Sports People are all useful kits to own too.



My family and I consistently reach for these Oils to combat/relieve illness, to support hormones, to add to cooking, for cleaning, as supplements, as natural pick-me-ups, massage, romantic mood enhancers, natural diffusing, when travelling.  Natures gifts always to hand, at home, out and about, or whilst travelling.



Do you have a favourite doTERRA product you cannot live without?  Would you enjoy the convenience of receiving doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Supplements automatically each month  Would you like to earn free product every time you place an order?

The doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Programme (LRP) provides a convenient way to receive an automatic monthly order of your favourite doTERRA products delivered directly to your home.  Each month you participate in the LRP you earn an increasing number of credits that can be used as cash to purchase product - earn up to 30% on qualified LRP orders!  You can change the products in your monthly order or cancel your LRP agreement at any time without obligation.  



Whether you wish to be a customer, open a wholesale account for your own benefit or build a business, we are here to support your love of Essential Oils.

You are likely to also enjoy personal growth development, happy to be Mentored and Guided by Inspiring people so you can do the same for others, whether a little or a lot, the choice is yours!  You will never be alone, we all help one another.  Integrity, Empathy and Compassion are as important to you as they are to us.

It's a bonus if you are active on all Social Media Platforms and Networking but if not, we Mentor you all the way – as much or as little as you need as you will bring your own unique skills to apply to this rewarding Empathic work; if you can call something you love and incorporate naturally into your daily life, ‘work’!




Essential Oil Peppermint Chocolate Smoothie


Oils on Brighton & Hove Beach, 2017



Vegan Chocolate Pudding with Wild Orange Essential Oil


There are three options for all doTERRA customers: 

You can simply purchase as a retail customer or open a wholesale account purely for your own use as someone who loves the oils. 

You can open your wholesale account and also casually share your love of oils with others who can also purchase from you as a retail customer or have their own wholesale account.  This will result in a small income which is always a bonus as it will pay for your own oils. 

The third way is to build a Business that will not only produce a desired income for you but also train others to do the same.  This is where you will teach classes and actively learn about Essential Oils to support your team members with the knowledge you’ve gained.

My Team is growing internationally, if you or someone you know is looking to enter a hugely rewarding Health & Wellness industry or expand on your current Healthy & Wellness business/lifestyle, let's talk to see if this is right for you, as a part-time or full-time business/income stream.



My International Team, is a group of like minded doTERRA Essential Oils Enthusiasts who want MORE from life ~ More Vibrancy, Vitality, Passion, Purpose & Freedom!

You have come to the right place if you are feeling like you want more in life, especially more FUN!

More Confidence, increased Vitality and Stress Relief
More Energy, Vibrancy and Joie de Vivre
More Business Purpose and Passion
More Healthy, Happy Lifestyle choices and changes.  

Everyone has their own reasons for being part of this wonderful business, for some of us, it gives us the freedom to travel whilst earning an income and even relocate abroad.  For others it is about having a business that works around family, and then some are passionate about building a global business creating a legacy for their family whilst educating others on the benefits of Essential Oils for Health and Wellness.



Knowing your WHY is one of THE most important aspects of any business and everyone has a different WHY.

In my career as a Professional Business Adviser / Mentor / Trainer / Financial Educator for Start-ups, discovering your WHY is one of our most valued exercises along with “What does success mean to you”.  Again the answers are wide and varied.  This will all be reflected in what financial rewards you desire through doTERRA. 

There are no targets to meet, no pushy sales to close, no-one breathing down your neck to do more.  You have complete control, knowing that you also have incredible support in People, Training, Guidance, Mentoring and our Blog, Tools and Education (doTERRA University) for Resources, available whatever you want your doTERRA experience to be.

Once you join my Team you will be working with a seasoned Female Entrepreneur, therefore you receive double, if not triple, the support you need for the type of financial rewards you want.



Here you can develop your own personal knowledge, delivering it to others in classes, videos, mentoring, to do what you do.  You will develop and/or hone your skills in ways you never thought possible, gaining valuable knowledge in people and teams as well as leadership.  All whilst having fun!



If this is you, then you are clearly a smart, positive, optimistic, enthusiastic person, probably on an Alternative and/or Spiritual path, who leads or wants to lead a Healthy, Well-Balanced life, encouraging others to do the same.



The best time to begin your Business is NOW!  Time waits for no-one!  The world is changing in the way we work as well as WHY we do what we do, the old paradigm is broken and we are at the forefront of the new age.  If you want to be part of this exciting revolution, then we would love to talk with you in person.



Contact Rachel directly here

For more information, please visit my doTERRA Personal Website here


Please watch the short Introductory Video below "Why doTERRA Essential Oils Are An Excellent Choice" and contact me above for more information.