Love, Sex. Finance Connection

Here’s what I know to be true … love, sex and finance are at crisis point in our current society … everyone blaming everyone else for ‘cause and effects’, sadly very few are actually addressing their own cause/effect.

These are my observations from personal experience, experiences from friends, family and clients as well as through my ongoing formal studies. Although these are my own observations, whenever I discuss with others, there is an overwhelming agreement.

The sooner each one of us takes responsibility/control of our own cause/effect, the better society will become overall.

Relationships are the backbone of our culture …. Everything is built around Relationships, personal and professional. If our personal relationships are a mess, we will never fully reach our potential professionally and vice-versa. (Think and Grow Rich Ch 11, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation).

When one is not going well, this always leads to illness of some description; stress, mental fatigue, addictions etc are prevalent in our society. Unless addressed fairly swiftly, we spiral into seriously damaging consequences.

In our personal relationships, sex is THE most important issue, not to be underestimated, brushed aside, neglected. Without a healthy sex life and deep intimacy with our loved one, we either suppress it or we seek it elsewhere … neither will serve us long-term. One way or another, having buried our heads in the sand for so long, we literally explode and that is never pretty and does not produce true happiness. Happiness wilts and shrivels like week-old cut flowers in a vase.

This results in failed marriages/partnerships, love dies or is not reciprocated the way we need, another year passes without the sex/intimacy we desire, leaving us feeling rejected, unfulfilled, undesired, sad. We may put on a brave face or try to find happiness in our hobbies or with our friends, but ultimately, the person we are fooling the most, is ourselves. Things won’t improve until we’re prepared to take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror, give ourselves a talking to and take action to seek/receive assistance to address the issues we are suppressing.

As with most of life today, we desire a “quick fix” without actually addressing the true cause of our troubles. Imagine, if you will, building our dream house and furnishing it the way we want, with no foundations. What do you suppose happens in a storm or bad weather? With that in mind, why would you seek a quick fix from someone who teaches techniques that are surface (short-term) rather than foundation (long-term) for your relationships. There are no secrets/steps/formulas/keys, taught by so many, that will miraculously give you the relationship you seek. Most of these are ‘one-size-fits-all’ or scripts or manipulation techniques, that may work once or twice, but will never bring long-lasting love with your ideal partner. You will be left feeling even more confused and disillusioned than ever!

I don’t merely believe in Real, Authentic Love with Vulnerable Intimacy, I live it and until his death recently, experienced this with someone very special on a profoundly deep level.

I combine traditional Psychology with unconventional deep self explorations, bringing forth our deepest, truest, most vulnerable, authentic self possible, where healing and clarity exists. We discover exactly what Pleasure, Love, Sex, Romance, Intimacy means to you; your core essence and why that is too important to ignore; what type of relationship are you desiring; what life are you truly wanting; can you have that within your current relationship, is your partner willing to actively evolve with you or does this mark the end of it in order for you to be honest and true to yourself.

Sometimes you can be more use to someone apart than with them, it does not mean you don’t love them, more that you respect yourself and them, to give you both your best chance in life, rising to be your best selves.

A week ago, one of my regular clients had a major “Ahha” moment in one of our sessions, realising that their shift in energy/activity would not only benefit themselves but also partner and children. This was a powerful realisation and recognition of a deep wound carried since childhood. It had become a belief system now redundant allowing healing to take place.

Another began to feel much “calmer, lighter and more confident to express who they truly are” after one of our sessions. This resulted in their friends and family commenting on this, wondering what they had altered or done for it to be seen so clearly.

My clients and I are choosing a different path where open, raw communication is key, leading to Improved Relationships, Deeper Connections and the Desired Intimacy we so crave. We choose Clarity over Confusion, Pleasure over Pain.

Which would you choose? Are you willing to step up for what you need to feel ALIVE, having the VITALITY to create and be VALUED in this world?

I am committed to creating the best types of deeply rewarding Relationships, where real, passionate, authentic love, sex and romance are the norm in the world, that’s why I choose to Guide and Mentor 1-2-1 rather than groups, making each session or series of sessions bespoke to you, led by you and your wants, needs, desires. Putting yourself first is the most unselfish thing you can do for yourself and all around you! We can prove it. Your personal and professional life will benefit tremendously!

Ask me how as I love showing you!

Celebration of Men and Sacred Masculine

As published in Her Grit Magazine ~ November 2018

Celebration of Men and Sacred Masculine #Movember

UK – I’m Rachel Gedney, as proud Mother to my adult son and to all the Nice Guys who want to step up to be Good Men. This is for you in Celebration of Men and Sacred Masculine; I adore you!  You make me a more feminine, yet balanced, woman for knowing you. 

The Masculine in you & Me

I love my Masculine, in sport where I’m very competitive with great spatial awareness and precision. And of course as a serial entrepreneur (business now conducted in Dresses, particularly Maxi Dresses – ditched the suits long ago!) 😉

HH The Dalai Lama, in his speech during the Vancouver Peace Summit, September 2009, has oft been quoted as saying, The world will be saved by the Western Woman”. I feel this to be accurate in my experience as a Western Woman fully embracing her Divine Feminine/Goddess/Queen. Hence my recent shift from leading my gorgeous Goddesses in Divine Feminine to guiding adorable Men in Sacred Masculine. 

The Wisdom Mentor to Men

Men have long pleaded with me; I listened and when ready, opened the doors of my business to them.  It is my honour, but more importantly my inherent gift to guide men to reach their highest potential. To be balanced men, free from shame, judgement, guilt and blame.  I was literally born to deliver these valuable experiences to help shift humanity to a new level.  So it unfolds.

Every human inherently has masculine and feminine characteristics within, regardless of gender.  In Male form they usually have more masculine traits than feminine, and vice versa.  Thus, Males have more testosterone, which is the primary sex hormone, making them stronger physically due to the ease of building muscle.  In females it is Estrogen as the main sex hormone.  Regardless of gender, we as humans can bring to balance these characteristics within us, learning how to tap into valuable traits associated with the opposite sex.  In this manic, modern world, this is an invaluable skill.

Guiding men to rise alongside our divine feminine, it’s not about moving the power balance from Masculine to Feminine.  Relevance here being to balance Masculine and Feminine within, creating equilibrium in the world.  Everything begins and ends with self.  To that end, we must travel deep within to the core of our wounds to heal ourselves and then the world.  It is a process.

It is true that fewer men than women are prepared to delve that deep; it takes strength, courage, bravery beyond comprehension to come face-to-face with Shadow Self.  This is an archetype that forms part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, instincts, impulses, weaknesses, desires, perversions and embarrassing fears. 

Greeting your Inner Child and accepting that they run the show until you are ready for otherwise!  This is the childlike aspect of a person’s psyche, especially when viewed as an independent entity or another way of describing it, a person’s supposed original or true self, especially when regarded as concealed in adulthood  

That said, men don’t have anyone to open themselves up to and be truly vulnerable. Society and long held (false) belief systems, dictate they keep everything within, control their feelings and emotions (until they explode or implode). They’re made to believe that it’s weak to show their ‘feminine’ side. 

How Men Keep Silent

They don’t do groups the way females do, nor do they talk to their friends, family or loved ones.  But they do feel comfortable letting me in to their world and sharing their deepest fears, hopes, dreams, secrets, desires, wants and needs. My male client base keeps growing more than ever before.

The following is my WHY ….

The role of ‘counsellor/psychologist’ came easy to me, becoming clear whilst at school, where most people came to seek counsel with me; particularly boys.  The usual response to my advice/guidance was “How did you get to be so wise so young?!”  Long story short, I chose a different career. However, mentoring, guidance, counseling is ever present in my professional and personal life.

My Relationships with Men

Having gone through an acrimonious divorce, supporting my son alone and attracting emotionally unavailable men (yes, I had a pattern too). You may see how I felt incapable of helping others if my own relationships were terrible!  It made me ill, yet I knew I had the power within to alter my life.  Healing and studying have been constant throughout my life, learning from my history.  I go deep, emotionally and spiritually.

It was the toxic relationship that gave me the impetus to rid myself of my pattern to attract my desired man … a King to my Queen no less.  That’s when the Divine Feminine entered my life, swiftly followed by Divine Masculine.  Divine Feminine is an energy that has been with us since ancient times.  Consciousness is basically divided up into the ‘masculine’ side and the ‘feminine’ side, and we need both to achieve our highest creative potential.  In other words, the Divine Feminine represents the connection to the part of your consciousness responsible for nurture, intuition, and empathy, regardless of your gender. The Divine Feminine is the aspect of the self, associated with “creation, intuition, community, sensuality (felt sense rather than thinking sense), and collaboration.”  

Divine/Sacred Masculine is fearless, courageous and loyal.  He is our guardian protector.  When in balance, the masculine protector does no harm.  His gentle strength brings harmony and peace to where there was conflict and separation.  He knows his power but does not abuse or misuse it.  He is a leader and is not afraid to speak the truth even if others disagree.  He is courageously fierce in standing for what is right, not afraid of the unknown and enjoys adventure and exploring new territory.  He believes in himself and knows he will succeed if his intentions are clear and actions aligned. 

Within what now seems like the blink of an eye, yet in hindsight had been in motion eons before we entered this life, my Soul Twin and I were reunited. 

Soul Connections

This powerful Soul Connection is on a higher level of consciousness, receiving exactly what we asked for!  God to my Goddess!  I experienced a Kundalini Awakening, moving up another level of awareness.  It was through this beautiful gift of a connection that I accepted my time had come to step up and play BIG, no more hiding!  Men needed me!  Business Plan and direction altered to reflect this.  Woman on a Global Mission!

Sadly, he recently passed away; we merged as we are one soul, and I honor our eternal connection by not allowing his death to be in vain.  He, like so many wonderful Men I know, felt incapable of living his truth, being vulnerable, having his needs met for fear of being seen as weak or selfish.  Except when he was with me.  It was so easy being together.  To be completely seen, known, felt and heard, the moment you meet another human is nothing short of magical.  Love in its purest form.  No expectations.

Reverse psychology!  When we make taking care of ourselves a priority and it originates from a place of integrity, truth, vulnerability is the most unselfish human act of all.  Self-love, self-worth and self-pleasure!

Radiance is the greatest gift I can bestow on the world, as a Leader of Women in Divine Feminine and Guide for Men in Sacred Masculine.  If you want an Awakened Man you had better be ready as an Awakened Woman!  I am one of a few on a Global Mission to awaken more Men to step up into their Masculine (not macho!)  Will you step up into your Radiance, and join me in Celebrating Good Men whilst surreptitiously nudging Nice Guys to move up into the Good Man role?

Connect with me here:

Rachel Gedney

“Do it Big, Do it Right and Do it with Style!” ~ Fred Astaire

Navigate | Communicate | Negotiate | Compromise

Rachel Gedney is a Modern Goddess and High Priestess, founder of The Wisdom Mentor and House of Feminine. She’s also Co-Founder of Relationship Awakening and all Conscious Businesses.  She is an International Mentor, Guiding Men and Women to Improve their Relationships & Health, Gain Deeper Connections and bring fourth the Intimacy they Desire, balancing their Masculine and Feminine within themselves.  Thus, positively impacting their Health, Wellness, all Relationships and Business, harmonizing mind, body, spirit.

Her Humanitarian endeavours are supporting Abolishing Human Trafficking for which she is immensely passionate.

Celebrating the Holidays


Two significant aspects spring to mind for me are – Relationships and Cooking!  Of course I love giving and receiving gifts and I shall address that in the close of this article.

As an opener, do you not agree that everything in society is built on and around Relationships?  If you feel this to be so, I also expect you’d want to have the best relationships possible with your significant other, as well as extending that to include all of your relationships (parents, siblings, children, friends, business associates, work colleagues).  Am I correct?

We are all aware that during the holidays, our relationships come under huge pressure and scrutiny, the strain of which can either make or break said relationship.  Statistically, this time of year either drives us apart or brings us closer.  Endings and Beginnings, exactly as one season ends, another begins. 

The Holidays usually raise the best or worst in us.  Increase or decrease the love or stress.  Enhance our natural gifts or expose aspects of self we’d rather not be seen … worse, address!  Either way, the Holiday season is unique in affording us no hiding place.

I have acute awareness/intuition of any situation the moment I walk into a room; the truth of lives fully on display, invariably the one people come to talk to and ask advice about their relationships.  I may know them well, equally have never met them before … this is my gift in life!  Men and Women flock to tell me their problems, desires, dreams, wishes, hopes, fears and have no qualms about volunteering intimate information about their sex lives (or lack of!)  This has been my life since High School – Mentor/Adviser/Guide.

It wasn’t until I had reached a certain level of Consciousness in my own relationships that I felt I had so much more to offer my clients.  My schedule really does increase to accommodate the amount of people booking appointments in the run-up to this holiday season.   Those wanting to improve the relationships they have or to improve themselves in order to attract the right partner and those who find themselves in relationships that no longer serve or fit them due to one having grown the other remained the same.  And then of course, there are those whose relationships are in serious trouble.

There are no rules or secrets to the relationship you desire.  We are all unique and raise different things in different people.  However, what I know to be true from personal and professional experience, is that we must go inward first to clear old patterns and non-serving belief systems to discover who we are and what our desires are before attracting someone who is aligned with us, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and sexually.  If we are in relationships that have grown out of sync, going inward to our core reveals our next steps, hopefully re-energising our current relationship, although sometimes, we have to admit that our miss-match relationship is beyond repair.  

Have you ever wondered why Sex and Finance are the two main causes of disagreement and frustration in relationships?  We cover both in our sessions!

I love nothing more than seeing my clients grow to become alive, re-vitalised, re-aligned, re-fuelled whatever their relationship status; a fantastic way to enter the holiday season.  Conscious Relating gifts us the PAUSE, to stop, breathe and quietly drop from our head to heart before engaging our mouth!   One reason I introduce Essential Oils into my sessions, is because we have Oils for everything including mood-enhancers to bring our mind, body, spirit into balance, gaining insight and clarity.  Diffusing Oils is an easy method to disperse the calming aroma into the room, although some clients do request using Oils topically, often on their forehead and temples.

If you want to embark on an amazing relationship with another, you owe it to yourself to firstly develop the most incredibly fulfilling relationship with self – in and out of the bedroom!   THE ONE is YOU!

Having introduced the concept of Essential Oils (again in and out of the bedroom … after all, they were good enough for Cleopatra!)  One of the joys of the Holiday Season is food and the constant smell of cooking and baking.  I personally am not at all traditional and usually cook whatever dish from around the world I choose.  What I love to do is add Essential Oils to these dishes, hot or cold, savoury or sweet, flavouring water and of course, adding that intoxicating aroma and taste to Mulled Wine.  It is a gift to my visitors to have Essential Oils diffusing in all rooms too.

The Ancient History of Essential Oils dates back to almost the beginning of time, however, it does appear that the Egyptians were first to make extensive use of herbs with distillation methods.  Oils would be used for ailments, for anointing and Aromatherapy, in cooking and bathing and of course as Fragrances.  The beneficial properties of Essential Oils are endless.

Modern Aromatherapy was formally introduced in 1930’s, regaining steady popularity since then.  Personally, my introduction to Essential Oils was for a sports injury in 2015 … so impressed with the healing results, I embarked on an adventure of discovery to use oils throughout my home, enhancing all of my natural products.  Every room in my home you will find Essential Oils for every purpose you can imagine. 

It is in the Kitchen that I love to use Essential Oils most as already mentioned, hence I deliver Classes teaching others how to use Essential Oils in Cooking.  The run-up to the Holidays again sees a spike in interest and attendees.  That said, I generally see a rise in clients for AromaTouch Massage as well at this time and post-holidays.  This Massage is designed to help stimulate and balance the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body, improving well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function.  Ahhh.  Breathe and Relax!

I said I’d mention gifts before closing, and I’ve enlightened you on three types …. Gifting yourself Sessions to create the Relationship you desire that lasts a life-time rather than a few months, fulfilling your every wish making your dreams a reality.  Gifting yourself and others divinely beautiful Pure Essential Oils to be used throughout your life, whether in Cooking, for minor ailments, cleaning, travelling, well-being, massage, mood enhancers, beauty and much more.  And finally gifting yourself or loved ones the beautiful relaxing AromaTouch Massage, a wonderful way to experience Essential Oils.  Natures Gifts that support all of your Life and Relationships 😉

If you’re interested in learning more, please do contact me, Rachel Gedney via

“Do it Big, Do it Right and Do it with Style!” ~ Fred Astaire

Navigate | Communicate | Negotiate | Compromise

Rachel Gedney is the founder of The Wisdom Mentor and House of Feminine, plus Co-Founder of Relationship Awakening, all Conscious Businesses.  She is an International Mentor, Guiding Men and Women to Improve their Relationships, Gain Deeper Connections and bring fourth the Intimacy they Desire, balancing their Masculine and Feminine within themselves.  Thus, positively impacting their Health, Wellness, all Relationships and Business, harmonising Mind, Body, Spirit.

Her Humanitarian endeavours are supporting Abolishing Human Trafficking which she is particularly passionate about.

Conscious Relationships – Vulnerability


~ dropping from head to heart (especially before engaging mouth!)

Hello LinkedIn Lovers

September has arrived way too soon for me, a Spring / Summer Hot Climate lover!

I’d like to address Vulnerability today along with Negative and Uncomfortable Emotions

Conscious Relating moves us out of our place of comfort, to lovingly embrace and communicate those subjects that we’d prefer to remain hidden … why do this? There is a mountain of hidden beauty in diving deeply into the core of our wounds, breaking surface, understanding who we are and who we came here to be and how in turn, we become truly powerful.

It’s okay to feel sadness, shame and negative emotions, it’s all perfect and allowed. The key is knowing how to navigate those emotions and feelings to best serve you and those around you. Allow any discomfort to gently nudge you into the best versions of yourself.

This kind of vulnerability leads to even more healing, growth and strength. Vulnerable, heart-centred truth equates to freedom for all.

I’ve been absent a while for a few personal reasons; death of my beloved Soul Twin on 30th July has been the worst part.  The special Life Adventure we each inhabited and the steps we individually took, reunited us in 2015 … instant recognition on every level for us both. What a gift we experienced together and deeply loved with pure heart-centred love! He gave me his heart to treat kindly and treasure for eternity. He chose to leave this life, reasons we both acknowledged and understood. 

His death won’t be in vain as he so adored and encouraged my Conscious Relationships work; I know he’s still with me, guiding me on to assist Men and Women on an ever more impactful way.  We both agreed it was time for me to act on what was being asked of me time and again … being there for you adorable Men!

Each challenge we face in life is an opportunity to discover the beauty and strength within, surrender and move forward and upwards.  I consciously choose this.

We may associate over-giving and putting ourselves at the bottom of the list with females, but I see it in so many males too. It makes us all ill when we don’t take care of ourselves first and foremost, it’s not selfish because when we have our tanks full of what we need, we can give even more from that place.  Trying not to hurt anyone inadvertently hurts everyone one way or another.

The biggest difference is that Women can and do talk about everything to friends, family, colleagues; therapy in itself.  Whereas Men tend to keep everything bottled up inside, unwilling or unable to talk about their own hopes, dreams, fears etc. And yet, Men, in my years of experience, are actually longing to talk about how they feel, what they desire, their hopes and fears, dreams and ambitions.  I adore it when they do, best gift ever!

Conscious Relating is essential for us all to learn … how to communicate effectively without shame, blame, judgement, fear etc. It teaches us to be responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions. It teaches us to understand ourselves as well as others. It teaches us to be grown-ups which in turn reveals to us the relationships we most desire.

Your footsteps won’t entirely follow mine or footsteps of those who walk this path alongside me, however, if all or some of this resonates with you or provokes interest, I’m here to Guide you on your quest to develop more Conscious Relationships, positively impacting your entire life and all relationships from the Bedroom to the Boardroom and everywhere in-between 😉.

With that in mind, please take advantage of my Complementary Discovery Session here to see if working together will be beneficial for us both. Thereinafter, £30 discount on each of your first 5 sessions booked in advance.

Communicate, Navigate, Compromise, Negotiate

“I’m Transforming Our Human Experience with Conscious Relationships, positively Impacting Humanity”

LADIES:~ Relationships * Sensuality * Sexuality               

GENTLEMEN:~ Love * Sex * Romance

Conscious Relationships ~ Giving and Receiving


How do YOU Give and Receive?

Do you Give far too much at the detriment of your own overall health, often depleting you and causing burnout and illness.

Do you find Receiving uncomfortable, deflecting a compliment with a negative response, or saying a ‘thank you’ or apology is unnecessary.

These are ‘conditioned’ responses that generally cause damage to giver and receiver. What if there is a better way that is pleasurable to all?

How would YOU like to RECEIVE and GIVE?

Conscious Relationships/Relating educate us to GIVE without expecting to receive or deplete ourselves, allowing us to give even more than we imagined.

Conscious Relationships/Relating educate us to RECEIVE with grace and acceptance, filling our own tanks as fuel, as well as filling the tanks of the giver. Beautiful!

Having gone from former to latter after total collapse in my 40’s, 12 years on, I can testify to the effectiveness of the latter and how it changes those around me to appreciate and want to know how to make those changes themselves.

This is one of the main subjects Carmen and I cover in our upcoming One-Day Experiences for Women and Men.

Thursday 3 May 2018 ~ Women & Friday 4 May 2018 ~ Men. 9.30am-4.30pm both days

Cost: £99 payable by 30th April 2018 … Light Vegetarian/Vegan Lunch included

Women, Men, are you ready to awaken and embody your vibrant, passionate Relationship?

The culture we currently inhabit is not functioning effectively when it comes to relating authentically. The sacred feminine and masculine are asking you to show up and step up to be empowered in your true nature. The masculine and feminine within ourselves and separately has enormous power to create pleasurable relationships by rising above old boundaries and belief systems. First we must learn to love, please and pleasure ourselves, then we can do so with others. That’s true sacredness. 

Topics for the Day: The ‘ONE’ is YOU! Communication is Key. Giving and Receiving. Sensuality and Sexuality.

Please like and share this article if you found it of value or know someone who would find it beneficial, thank you 😊💖