Ladies, it's time to overhaul and revamp our Health and Fitness regimens, along with our Food choices to Create More Energy, Produce Better Sleep whilst Shedding Extra Pounds.  You ready?



Health, Fitness, Nutrition Videos


Picture how your life will Transform when you reach your Optimum Potential 

Imagine having Vibrancy and Joie de Vivre, for life

Reclaim responsibility for your own Fitness, Health & Wellness 




How GOOD do YOU want to feel?



Digital Products and occasional Mentoring:  It's a PROCESS & I'm right there with you, having walked, and still on this path.  Are you willing to explore & experience the benefits of deep self-enquiry?  


PLEASURE or PAIN? You choose! 




Your Body keeps an accurate Journal, regardless of what you write down, are you ready for the truth?


Listen!  I get it and we've all done it.  Even in a proper exercise journal, I've occasionally omitted to write down the half bar of dark chocolate I consumed, in place of 1 square!  Trouble is,  we're only kidding ourselves when we do this.

Whether you have always been the sporty/exercise type, or the one who goes in fits and starts or somewhere in between or either side, women historically have a love/hate relationship with their body type.  Weight, shape, tall, short, overweight, underweight, you name it, it's a thing.  Add childbirth, peri-menopause, menopause, sedentary job and it's a loaded subject!

Similar to Pleasure, we must put ourselves first, ultimately unselfish, as taking good care of our health, fitness and overall wellness is essential, not a luxury.  When menopause hits, everything changes and that includes how we metabolise food.  Even the type of exercise that worked for us in our younger years, actually causes weight gain or no weight loss during this change.

How do I know?  Life-long sport/exercise/dance, injuries, childbirth, Sport Science degree, Thyroid malfunction, menopause, herniated disc with severe nerve damage, long covid, herniated disc requiring emergency surgery and different nerve damage!  What I know for sure, is that with age, it's even more important to overhaul and revamp ones health, fitness and nutrition regimen than in younger years.  It may not be easy and sometimes a bore, but if we want a healthy, happy, vibrant older age, it's imperative.

Discovering what you like, don't like, is good for you personally, or not, then build on that.  With exercise, the more variation you have the better, to keep things fresh and fun.  No longer a 'should', more go with the flow of how you feel.  Voila!  It's never as hard as we imagine when you have other women in the same boat supporting you, being your cheer leader.

International groups, include women of every nationality, religion, status, background, age, experience, shape and size.  We rekindle our passion for new improved exercise and foodThe world is a better place for us doing so.


Meditation ~ static & motion

Natural Health Remedies & Products including doTERRA Essential Oils

Lift Weight to Lose Weight.  Why weight training is essential as we age

Resistance Bands and using your body as resistance

Interval Training
What I learned as a Horse Rider, how to apply it to an individual

Individual & Team Sports v Multi-sports

Classes: Pilates & Yoga & videos.  Rebounding recommended by NASA

Altering, tweaking, changing eating habits to suit pre & post-menopause

Don't relinquish control of your own Fitness, Health and Wellness to others


Be mindful of what you consume and apply, to withstand the curve balls aging inevitably throws our way.









No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch!