Fear in Relationships – Gentlemen, I hear you, I see you.


Fear is something we all have, in varying degrees, in at least one life area. Fear in Relationships is commonplace. I’ve yet to meet any individual who doesn’t have fear. If they believe themselves to be without fear, they’re deluding themselves! It’s probably unconsciously playing out in patterns!

Relationships are complex and ever evolving and differ with every person we engage with. What was so in our 20’s is definitely not applicable in our 50’s. Add to this a Spiritually Awakened person with one who is not, this is where discord becomes an issue, even if on the outside, everything appears harmonious. 

One partner could be blissfully happy, unaware that anything is wrong, whereas the other partner has suppressed and hidden their true selves for the sake of appearances and not rocking the boat. This will work, up until it doesn’t … usually in the form of a ‘big wake-up call’ as in serious illness or injury. I’ve witnessed it many times. Even in single people when something has to change. It happened to me at 45 with total collapse taking 18 months out of my life, whilst raising my son alone.

Where I see the most disharmony in couples, where one has evolved way beyond the other and is fearful of hurting, upsetting, unsettling things. Assuming both want the relationship to continue, something can be done to bring them back into balance – not easy, but it can be done if they’re both committed to doing the individual work.

Unfortunately, this does not work with all couples for various reasons, married or not, and the disharmony is so vast that nothing can bring them back into balance. One has simply outgrown the other. It has nothing to do with not loving the person, it is merely down to one allowing their natural evolvement to continue, the other is blissfully unaware and happy in the status quo. Stuck!

So, what type of fear? Fear of acceptance, rejection, guilt, judgement, failure, having what we truly want/need. Fear of being vulnerable, seen, authentic, living our truth. Fear of being honest, with our partner and ourselves. Fear of what others will think or believe, of losing everything we’ve worked hard for. Fear of releasing belief systems that no longer serve us. Fear of the unknown on the flipside of fear itself. And when we meet someone who is on the same spiritual level and path as us, seeing us to the core, this can trigger every fear we have!

Fear keeps us trapped in our comfort zone, impedes our growth. Life has a way of presenting situations time and again until we get the message and address the fear. 

By doing the work on ourselves, learning about self from the inside out, breaking though that fear, we not only release ourselves from our invisible restraints, we also release others to do the same. You stepping up leads the way and gives them permission to step up also. Whether they choose to do so or not is not our concern, but the opportunity presents itself anyway.

My female clients and I have all broken through our fears, small and big. It’s been challenging, dark at times, and courageous for us all. How you feel on the other side of fear, is in contrast to what you expect. I personally, have never felt more grounded, alive, clear, calm and sure of so many things than I do now. No angst, no worry, no caring what other people think, and yet, my love and compassion for people has heightened. It’s like cliff jumping and discovering you do indeed have wings. Now my male clients are breaking through their fears in one-on-one Mentoring and Guidance with me. It makes my soul sing.

Letting go and surrendering to oneself, allowing and trusting, not holding back, takes courage, strength, belief, faith far beyond normal. Whether it’s love, sex, romance, lust, sensuality, sexuality in our relationships, we all have some fear in surrendering and being seen. Yet we crave acceptance, connection, understanding, heart-centred love (not solar plexus love … that’s for another article!) My work has shown me that too few have the relationship they truly desire. And sex is central to a loving, fulfilling relationship … that’s also another topic for a later date!

My female clients and I have a vast amount of support in our international online groups and are doing fine, however, there is not an equal amount of support for men, who were asking me for guidance. 

So, here I am gentlemen, available as your Mentor and Guide for Love, Sex, Romance. The Sacred Masculine is as important as the Divine Feminine and we adore you. Please take advantage of your 90 minute Discovery Session to determine if working with me is something you’d find beneficial and enjoy; I have some wonderful things lined up for you.

To contact me directly, email houseoffeminine@btinternet.com, phone 07786 912355 or schedule a 90 min Discovery Session here https://calendly.com/houseoffeminine

NB: House of Feminine website will be live soon.

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