From Employee or Returner to Fulfilled Female Entrepreneur

From Employee or Returner to Fulfilled Female Entrepreneur

Gliding into a fresh phase of this unusual year, it’s crystal clear we have no control over anything outside of ourselves. We do though, have control over our thoughts, feelings, actions or reactions.

That said, it's your ACTIONS that will ultimately determine the outcome of the other three!

Those ACTIONS I’ve personally reactivated & executed to help me through my C'virus recovery, enabling me to regain good health, fitness & renewed vigour in my business. I've had some challenging days, as we all do; that's okay. I'm currently doing a 30-day Digital Course Bootcamp to up-level my own business and write the book I've been talking about.

Exciting times are still available for the taking if you choose, regardless of what’s falling apart globally. And much is! So perhaps this might help you.

Due to these unusual times, I have been asked by several people to resurrect my Business Start-up Course Online, taught many times to hundreds of students in-person, assisting them on their Entrepreneurial Adventures. Mentoring hundreds more 1:1.

The course has been revamped to align with Women 40+ (my niche in all my work), who’ve recently:

  1. Experienced redundancy or furlough
  2. Decided to return to work after raising children
  3. Considered altering career or working to suit you or both
  4. Felt the desire to create their own future
  5. Had time to reflect, interested in learning a new way.

You may have had enough of working for others and would prefer to create your own destiny, income, perhaps even legacy, to free you to dance to your own tune.  If you are a returner, that may not be as easy as it was pre-COVID. Either way, there are alternatives available.

And I can assure you, I had zero business background or training when I ventured into the business ownership world many years ago. I made a lot of mistakes, but they were excellent teachers of what not to do, what worked well, what I can replicate and made me a better entrepreneur, mentor, teacher and trainer.  I still invest in my own learning; it's a learning curve.

Of course, since those tentative days, I've learned how business works with courses, mentorship, formal qualifications as well as experience that I've gained throughout my entrepreneurial life and been able to add to my teaching, training, mentoring others to become successful business owners and/or entrepreneurs too. It's still a learning curve.

It's also a process, and becoming a Female Lifestyle Entrepreneur is fun, rewarding, exciting, stretching and at times, daunting, frustrating and challenging but never a dull moment or regret. Most I've guided into business, only wonder why they waited so long to follow their dreams to achieve their inner most desires.

If this resonates with you, or you know someone who is seeking professional help in creating a fulfilling, satisfying future for themselves, DM me for full details & see more about becoming a Lifestyle Entrepreneur on my website:

Max 20 spaces available to give you premium benefit. To begin mid August for 6 weeks with
50% reduction on usual cost to help those who need this now

Published by

Rachel Gedney

✨Teaching Women 40+ to connect to your Joie de vivre, through Pleasure, Exercise, Essential Oils & Food ~ Ooh La La! Let's Talk!✨
6 week Business Start-Up Course Online to begin mid-August. DM me for full details today. womenhelpingwomen womenentrepreneurs femaleentrepreneurs businessstartup womenempoweringwomen entrepreneurshipeducation


“I attended the Business Start-up Workshop in Oct 2012. I found it extremely informative covering all aspects of starting a business, including many where my knowledge was lacking. Rachel facilitated the Workshop very well. Her vast experience and knowledge on all aspects of starting and running a business shone through. That mixed with her friendly, helpful personality and thorough and current content, created a great foundation for myself and anyone who is thinking of, or recently has started a business. I completed the two days feeling highly motivated and focused on how to move forward and I would highly recommend Rachel and the Workshop.” Beth W, Hove


“Rachel Gedney's Start-Up Business 2 day Workshop is an excellent introduction to understanding everything you need to know about setting up a business or evaluating how your new business is doing. Rachel gives comprehensive and step-by-step information and financial advice on all aspects in a highly accessible way. This Workshop is a must-have for anyone new to business enterprise, is great fun, practical, full of useful tips, information, website links and examples of how to get ahead whatever the size of your business or business ideas. Rachel’s delivery is excellent and her content VERY COMPREHENSIVE indeed.”
 Fleur D, Worthing

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