There is hope for long Covid sufferers, stay with me, it's a long post. I suggest making a cup of tea to sit down and read. If this empowers only one person in their recovery from this debilitating illness, I’ve achieved my aim.
15 months ago I made a new friend, quickly becoming very intimate, spending much of our time in bed. We did everything together, there for each other through the good times and bad.
Now I’m ending what’s become a toxic relationship, for me to begin a new book, not chapter, living the life I was destined for, allowing my business to fly as the groundwork has been laid over the past year, struggling to cope with life, never mind business.
My friend conversely, has been determined to stay put, but I'm on a new path and have made the separation. They are not going quietly, but oh they are going, of that I am certain!
This friend, as I’m sure you’ve gathered, is LONG COVID. 15 months and 2 virus strains later, I’ve finally found the last puzzle piece enabling me to move gently towards full recovery.
I’ve shed many tears of frustration because of a few highs followed by many more serious lows since February 2020. Lots of trial and error to arrive at a place of balance, on an even keel as there has been no exhaustion this past month and the persistent, troubling cough has become somewhat less significant. These were my only two symptoms although the cough has made my voice sound different, sometimes virtually losing it, (not great for business videos and zoom!).
Reluctance to speak up sooner was deliberate, affording me time to test my theory and practice. In the past 30 days I’ve felt a vast improvement in my health, so I know I'm on the right track for me, recovering well. With that said, it’s a long, slow process, which will take as long as it takes to avoid setbacks.
Here's what has worked for me, most of which was already in place years before Covid. The biggest shift however, has been mindset, doing far less to achieve more. As a high achiever, exercising at Instructor level, this has been a journey and a half to realise that doing a quarter of what I'd normally do is akin to doing nothing, yet exactly what I must do, gradually increasing, week by week!
Pacing – vital for long Covid sufferers. Do far less on good days to avoid over-doing it, therefore preventing another serious onset of symptoms. Initially, a quarter of what you'd normally do, increasing gradually. Recording everything in a Journal highlights what’s working, what’s damaging.
Vitamins & Supplements (one day vitamins, next supplements)
Essential Oils – internally, topically and aromatically diffusing oils in every room, also steaming has been beneficial.
Meditation - full body health benefits are well known, slows down breathing, expanding the lungs.
Peace and Quiet - I can no longer cope with noise or lots of people/talking/certain music.
My spiritual practice and self-belief, self-awareness has helped me tremendously over the years. Being a positive-realist has been a bonus too during these challenges.
Pleasure - yes I am proudly part of the "self-pleasure revolution" determined to have daily pleasure, whatever that may be!
Exercising at a quarter of my capacity, increasing gradually, no cardo like HIIT. A gentle cycle ride, or row on my water rower. Weights and Pilates.
Swimming - key for me as I am a swimmer (no lung damage thankfully), my active meditation, all round body/mind/spirit therapy. This one thing has helped relieve my cough more than anything else, as I knew it would. NB: swimming is easy for me, not taxing to my breathing the way other exercise is.
Mobility Flows to keep my body moving, supple and flexible
Tweaking my diet to gluten, wheat, dairy free, making all my own food, virtually sugar free, no alcohol, occasional decaf coffee. Herb teas and water are my preference, also cranberry & raspberry juice. NB: I've noticed that I prefer bland food now, still can't eat the majority of what I have previously!
Relaxed about my business, it's still there, slowly moving forward after putting a lot of processes/automation in place this past year whilst ill.
Acceptance of living a more serene, tranquil, slower paced life and conducting business the same way.
Sunshine – I’m out on my bike in the sunshine most days, eternally grateful to live close to the sea on the South Coast and get to cycle along the seafront regularly. Sea & Sun therapy!
Inhalers – preventative and reliever, prescribed by my Doctor due to my symptoms and history of mild asthma, allergies, bronchitis. I only take them when absolutely necessary.
Vaccine – one down, one to go. Again much discussion/thought rendered it sensible with my history. Although I had flu for 48 hours and stiff/sore arm for a week, I feel this along with everything else has contributed to my wellness, how much I’ll likely never know.
Long Covid Clinic – I’ve yet to receive an appointment.
Long Covid Facebook Group – very useful for general support/information/ideas. We are not alone, there are thousands of us!
FOOTNOTE LADIES. Some of you may be peri-menopausal or menopausal, even unaware, Covid can amplify your hormonal symptoms. It's possible to confuse Covid symptoms for what is a natural change in our bodies. Especially indigestion which is classic menopause. Being self-aware of your cycle and the different stages is also useful. Please DM me if you have any questions, this is part of my work. I have had indigestion with Covid but it began in 2016 when I entered menopause. Covid made it worse, sorted now.
What is not generally known, is that 2020 was supposed to be my come-back year post 3 years of slipped disc, now fully recovered from that I'm delighted to say! I'm taking my time this year allowing myself to fully heal one step at a time, no pressure, no time frame; Que Sera, Sera. Elegantly Flowing, serenely gaining strength and good health, better than ever as I turn 60 in July.