Women! Are you ready to Awaken & Boost your Relationships, Experience Deeper Vibrant Connections, Creating the Passionate Intimacy and Life you've always Desired?
Imagine your life with renewed vision as a resplendent gifted woman
Dazzle yourself by becoming an incomparable being
It's time to reap the rewards you've been so diligently seeking in life and love.
Women are made for PLEASURE, all types, but so many of us have numbed our senses, feel we don’t have time, or feel guilty for indulging in what we perceive to be ‘selfish’ practices and activities. If only we realised that it is the most unselfish act to openly welcome pleasure into our lives, fully, and that we are inadvertently shooting ourselves in the foot when we don’t! Everyone suffers when a woman is not living in pleasure. The reverse is also true.
Discover what pleasure means to you, in and out of the Boudoir! Delicious Sensual and Sexual pleasure. Of course, then there is pleasure we receive being with our loved ones for example. A lot of pleasure as you can see.
As Relationships are the foundation of humanity, this is our starting place. Once we see how we behave in our relationships, with patterns emerging, we can begin to slowly unpick whatever hasn't been working for us, rebuilding with new ways to communicate that serve us better.
We then layer on our Sensuality and Sexuality. What do these words mean to you? Love them or not, they are part of your inherent female being; we can wield them in ways you wouldn't believe; the best ways obviously. Have you ever explored your female side this way, breaking it open to examine how and where you can adopt more sensuality and sensual practices into your life?
After that, we get comfortable with the 'taboo' world of Sex and Sexuality. Some women are far more comfortable with this side of themselves, than others, but there is nothing wrong with exploring with new concepts which may be shocking to you, or you may surprise yourself in how far you are willing to push at your Erotic Boundaries. There is no shame, guilt, judgement or blame here.
Being a woman, you can run your own business, raise a family and have a great deal of pleasure in your life, it merely takes the desire to make the tweaks required, alter your perspective and Va Va Voom! Hello pleasure! Where've you been hiding!
International groups, include women of every nationality, religion, status, background, age, size, experience, where we rekindle our passion for pleasure, radiance and female being without compromising on our ambition in our work/business or neglecting family. The world is a better place for us doing so.
Daisy Magazine Nov 2018 ~ Celebrating The Holidays
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What Men & Women want in and out of the boudoir!
The Queen’s Code
Become the “Queen in your Relationships” and crack the code on Men!
Hormone Cure
Hit the reset button on Hormones & Why Stress is the new Crack
Sync your Cycle
Living in Harmony with Menstrual Cycle; The 4 Phases
The Big ‘O’ Diet
Get Turned On and Energised from the inside out
Female Magnificence
Every Woman is an Erotic Creature & Female Body Language
When it begins, what are the symptoms, how we can navigate it easier
Essential Oils
'E'Sensual Oils, internal and external. Feel like Queen Cleopatra
Healthy Pleasure
What is Pleasure to You? Solo or with Partner; Sexual or non-Sexual
Body Image ~ Beauty, Clothes, Accessories
Beauty Secrets learned throughout life personally and professionally
Bra & Corset Fitting
Change your Bra, Change your Life
One of the most fun ways to exercise
Red Tent
What The Red Tent is, it's purpose and where it originated
Different types and how to practice sitting and active meditation
Erotic Literature
Books to keep the Fire Burning Within
Re-Programme and Re-Write Your Story
Track via Diary or Log for up to six months